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Nothing Grows Here Charts on Billboard

Beyond excited to share that we charted on Billboard!! Thank you guys so much for the support in “Nothing Grows Here” ❤️ 

Nothing Grows Here EP Release

Our debut EP with Equal Vision Records and Rude Records “Nothing Grows Here” is out NOW! Go give it a spin wherever you can find it and then tell us what your fav song is, we want to know!

Big thanks to our awesome engineer QuinnCmusic, producer Tyler Scott, and our manager at Word Is Bond Inc Erick Droegmoeller. Without them, there is no us. Thank you to Soft Surrogate and Arkive for going above and beyond to get us this amazing album artwork. Huge shout out to our amazing team at EVR and Big Picture Media for all their countless hours of hard work on our behalf. And finally thank you to YOU, our friends and fans, without whom none of this would even be possible.

We love you all and we’re STOKED to meet lots of you on our US tour starting next week. See you out there ?

